A Special Plea to Mother Teresa and Her Legacy

Marlene T. Elias has been one blessed woman. She met Mother Teresa in 1987 then spent ten years have one amazing friendship with probably the Most incredible women the world has ever known.

Since Mother’s death on September 5, 1997 she has been traveling the world first singing at her funeral on September 13th 1997 in Calcutta, India, going to Rome to sing at her Beatification Ceremonies and most important bringing Mother to life with her Tributes over 900 times.

Marlene used her own money to pay for the cost of putting these mult-media events on, then taking funds generated through sales of her CD’s to send all the money to the nuns to continue Mother’s work. Several years ago while working at her long time position at a funeral home in Thousand Oaks, CA a terrible accident happened. The mortuary was having construction done and the ceiling fell on Marlene.

The accident left her with a problem with her back, both knees and her neck. she has had several surgeries and has four more to come including a knee replacement. The funeral home would not help Marlene with any assistance and fought against her from getting workmen’s comp.

We have continued to bring Mother to life despite her physical problems. Neither of us have taken any money because Marlene continued to send all the funds to the Missionaries of Charity to help Mother’s nuns.

The Ministry that Marlene has been continuing will soon come to an end. The financial problems she is facing will force her to lose her modest mobile home. Marlene will also not be able to continue to share with people the inspirational story of Mother’s work with the “poorest of the poor”.

We need angels to come forth to help Marlene continue touching people as Mother speaks to people of all faiths through her friend, Marlene Elias.

You are invited to be counted among the angels…
I need to hear from you…Please Email me.

Read the testimonials!

Michael J. Corgnati
(818) 909-6315